Sorya Kayaking Adventures is a small business based on the Mekong River in Kratie, Cambodia. The business was established in 2012 by Suzanne (an intrepid American from Oklahoma) and taken over by the current owner Pete in May 2015. The goals of the business include connecting travellers to the nature of Cambodia and providing jobs for local people.
Sorya Guesthouse is a small eight room guesthouse on the Mekong River in Kratie, Cambodia. With a retro/vintage airline theme and Kratie’s best sunset views, Sorya Guesthouse has clean comfortable accommodation to suit all travellers, with First Class (air-con, ensuite, balcony, breakfast), Business Class (air-con, ensuite), Premium Economy (air-con, ensuite / air-con, balcony, share bathroom) and Economy (ensuite, fan) rooms.